Scalar formulas do carry over for these matrices . 对于这些矩阵,数量间一些公式确实保留下来。
The principles of antisepsis were carried over into the public hygiene . 抗菌法的原则被应用于公共卫生。
I carried over the receipts from the day before that i didn't credit . 上一天没入的帐我都及时补了上去。
The battle that began on the night of the storm carried over well into the next afternoon . 那个暴风雨之夜打响的战斗,一直延续到第二天下午很晚。
Four small ships were taken apart at darien, and balboa caused the pieces to be carried over the mountains . 在达里安拆开四只小船,包尔波亚把拆开的船块搬过大山。
The probability is high that some of these organisms will be picked up and carried over when a transfer is made . 在移植平板上长出的菌落携带杂菌的机率是相当高的。
Usually he walked around threatening the sick men with a strait jacket which he always carried over his arm . 通常他总是转来转去,手臂上搭着一件拘束衣,对病员们虎视眈眈。
This seems to imply that once again we are dealing with an idiom carried over into american english by the speech habits of german immigrants . 这似乎表明,我们再一次地碰上了一个由操德语的移民带进美国英语的用语。
The rights to the property carry over to mrs cody 财产的所有权转给了科迪夫人。
The tail is carried over the back when not working 尾部是通过背部时,没有工作。